Football is a profession where you have to make a choice at a young age. A career choice. Football life is short and if you want to become a professional football player, you must seize the opportunity before it's too late. Take responsibility for your own development and take the necessary steps, even if there are no guarantees and successes.
But after all, it's better to plan success, do what is required and work from it, than to plan and fail and not be willing to do what is required. Football is about a limited part of your life, while education and work can be done with the rest of their lives.
A player career usually lasts from the beginning of the 20s and until you are around 35 years old. Therefore, it is urgent for a 17-year-old to fully bet if the ambition and goal is to become a top player. That opportunity is only a certain part of life and the chance must be seized here and now. For some, this may mean putting school and education on hold for one year or taking it over several years. Students are free to take online education or to have their own agreements with their respective schools.
Football is a well-paid profession. For those who are successful, wages are generally very good. For the best, wages are sky-high and you can earn more than most people in a short while. In addition, it's high status to be a professional football player. Football is one of the world's biggest sports and one of the best brands for the public, television, media and sponsors. The interest in football is unique and crazy around the world.
After the end of the football career, the job opportunities are many. As a coach, player developer or managerial roles in football clubs. There is growing and more job opportunities in football. Not only at the top level, but in both children's football and youth football. Especially if you are aware of taking coach and executive education in football while playing actively.
Manages a network of contacts, lives in a hobby and experiences wonderful experiences and life experiences. Imagine playing for full stands. The feeling of going out to the lawn in it all cries your name. Being a player who gets to experience his dreams in reality. Everything is actually up to you, but you have to do what it takes to succeed. Mallorca Toppfotball has the goal of helping you on this journey.
Priorities can be hard at times and the realities as well. Everyone does not have the opportunity to travel abroad at our academy. And if you do not have the opportunity, you have no chance. It's that simple. However, if you have the slightest chance to travel on Mallorca Toppfotball, you should not let this chance go away. If our offer is considered exciting and you have aspirations to become a top player, we recommend everyone and sacrifice what they can to make it.
The academy is ideal for those who want to have football as a profession and profession, and who want to invest here and now in a 1 year professional football game, to realize their personal goals and dreams for the future.